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Super Advanced Horticultural LED Lighting
The EarthBAY and EarthPLATE is a range of high quality, high performance LED
light fittings spceifically designed for growing.
Our system is unique it its design and is modular meaning you can expand it when you need to, take care of your harvest this year and don't be stuck next year, you can change it or move it around your farm. It is built on the chasis of our traditional LED fittings that have been sold in Africa for over 20 years. They are tough and durable by design, and have some of the highest lumen efficency ratings technically possible. This is a range truly at the peak of its performance
You will hear alot about Spectrums when discussing grow lights with many companies claiming to have the best solution. The truth is the spectrum is very dependant on the environment and harvest you are growing. We have over 12 specifically tuned outputs to provide sustenance and enhance growth for propagation, vegging, flowering and fruiting stages of the plants life cycle.
The horti industry is highly light intensive and the commercial flowering stage of recomended UV light output is between to 500 and 1000 umol/ms/s. It is vital to understand how the light impacts the growing cycle and to choose the correct distance from the plant to ensure maximum growth yield. You can achieve the required UV output needed using a combination of fittings designs to fit your existing farm architecture. We have various beam angle options to help direct the light exactly where you need it.
All life grows when nurtured properly. We have proven our LED chips special spectrum delivers results and are happy to share this with you. We dont just make claims from the lab we have tested them live in the field, you can talk to our farmers for recomendations and advice as well if you like.